January 2018
Images in Anesthesiology: Modified Cotton Swab Applicator for Nasal Sphenopalatine Ganglion Nerve Block
This article (Anesthesiology 1 2018, Vol.128, 140.) discusses new approaches to the delivery of SPG Blocks utilizing Sphenocath, Allevio, and a new modified cotton swab technique.
I have been utilizing and teaching SPG Blocks since 1986. In general I find the continual capillary feed cotton tipped trans-nasal catheter to be the single most efficient method of delivery.
It is especially useful because it is easy for patients to self-administer in the comfort of their homes and is extremely effective when used in that manner.
The continual feed allows patients to ambulate freely, eating, driving, reading,working on computers or watching TV.
The ease of use make it easy to use prophylactically for chronic headaches, migraines and cluster headaches.
New research shows that SPG Blocks can effectively treat essential hypertension and easy at home self-administration would be a key factor in making this a practical approach to treating hypertension.
SPG Blocks are effective in treating and preventing headaches, chronic daily headaches, migraine, cluster headaches and other autonomic cephalgias. They are also useful for Trigeminal Neuralgia, fibromyalgia, neck and back pain.
THIS YOUTUBE LINK HAS SEVERAL OF DR SHAPIRA’S PATIENT TESTIMONIALS: https://www.sphenopalatineganglionblocks.com/anesthesiology-journal-new-article-transnasal-spg-blocks/
Anesthesiology 1 2018, Vol.128, 140.
(excerpt below)THE modified cotton swab applicator assembled from ubiquitous components found in most operating rooms is an alternative to costly commercial devices (Tx360 [Tian Medical, LLC, Grayslake, Illinois] and Sphenocath [Dolor Technologies, LLC, Salt Lake City, Utah]) for sphenopalatine ganglion nerve blocks. Anesthetizing the sphenopalatine ganglion is both diagnostic and therapeutic for cluster, migraine,1,2 and postdural puncture headaches.2 The largest of the four parasympathetic ganglions associated with the trigeminal nerve,3 the sphenopalatine ganglion, sits in the pterygopalatine fossa close to the sphenopalatine foramen located superior and deep to the posterior attachment of the middle turbinate.3 Images can be seen here by pasting and clicking this link.